
Friday, March 15, 2019

Changes in Latitude :: Personal Narrative Essays

Changes in Latitude   I was nominated to go to capital of Singapore based on my achievements in the cognition fair. However, looking rearward on my recent experience in Singapore, it was the people, and not the science, that really hold in my memory. I think thats just as well. Most of the science will be yesterdays refreshings by the time I go to college anyway.   This was my first probability for international travel, and certainly, Singapore is about as furtherthermost away as it is possible to travel from Pennsylvania. Singapore is also far away from home in its culture and climate. Traveling there opened my eyes to new ideas, values, and attitudes.   The talks at the fete were great. One of the highlights of the festival for me was the spirited and humorous talk given by the Australian scientist / receiving set show host. I also learned a lot of new information about the homosexual genome project, which counted to be a prime delight of APECs scientific c ommunity, and certainly an important project for demonstrating cooperation. Several distinguished scientists talked to us about their work with HUGO and their role in deciphering the genetic code of the human species.   In addition to this exposure to scientific research in the region, I learned something about the education system of Singapore. It is, I found, somewhat divers(prenominal) than ours. They swap the last two years of high school for something called next-to-last college. These students are looked on with admiration by the younger students, and the adults from Singapore seem to entrust all leadership responsibilities to them, rather than the younger students. These junior college students from Singapore were also favored over students of the same age from other countries. This was upset to some. For example, I know one junior college-aged boy in my root who was not from Singapore complained of this. I understand, however, that this preference for the junior col lege students from Singapore reflects their cultures idolise for elders.   Besides learning something about the education in Singapore, I had the opportunity to discuss international careers with other attendees of APEC. I think that the biggest advantage of opinion internationally is that you benefit from having minds from all over the globe help you figure out scientific problems. And from a business perspective, you can make use of a global market to sell to a wider variety of customers.

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